Luca Amoriello
Studying Computer Science @ UNISA + Working @ Luxoft Italy
Actually learning Traefik + improving CI/CD knowledge
Photography lover - 45.0677551, 7.6824892
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About me
Born in Sant'Agata de' Goti years ago. I am currently studying Computer Science at University of Salerno. I am working fulltime at Luxoft Italy as Release Manager / DevOps Engineer while finishing my last exams.
My evergreen hobbies are programming, diy, photography, travelling and (newcomer) swimming.
I am currently working as DevOps Engineer on pipelines with Zuul, Github and (developing with) Ansible (mainly). In addition, I am learning how the delivery process works.
I really enjoyed Ericsson even if I left the company. One month after I left, I would have received my promotion to Solution Architect.
Setup vEDA (Virtual Ericsson Dynamic Activation) for English provider Inmarsat. I improved, thanks to this activity, my knowledge of Openstack, Linux administration and networking.
EMA to EDA migration for Spanish provider Yoigo. Main points I had to do were integration testing, customer adaptation installation and rollout activies in live environments.
Applicaiton migrated from legacy JavaEE to Java8 for Italian provider Wind3. I moved a webapp from JBoss to Wildfly, integrating Maven to this project. I decided to migrate SVN repo to Git repo and use Gitlab with its CI/CD tools. This migration lit in me, the desire of initiate a DevOps flow. Everything was moved to Azure Cloud using Azure AD. Wildfly is into a Docker container. Today the deployment in live environment can be done in one click.
Automation stream for the Italian provider Wind3. Python based backend written with Flask serves the frontend GUI written in Angular to provide to the customer a bunch of automations. The source code is built and pushed inside production ready web servers and the whole stack is built using different Docker containers as services managed by Docker compose. A complete CI/CD process is being used for this automation tool starting from the automated build to the delivery inside the customer's environment thanks to a well structured pipeline. What is behind the pipeline is something I am currently managing from software to network.
Own initiative are related to testing automation and installation automation. The first one was done developing a Java software, the second one was done with Ansible, automating a 2 hours process. Both are now used by Ericsson and some customers.
Startup Weekend is a 54-hour weekeend event during which groups of people, expert in different areas, create a demo or a presentation for their project. This experience really helped me understanding what are the basis to work in team to reach a common goal, ranging over different thematic.
Automate the whole process from weigh the olives and track them in a digital way to allow customers book the milling from their home. Those are in short the two extremes of what is ongoing at Terravecchia S.r.l.
During Christmas holidays my firends and I used to play Taboo a lot. During COVID-19 quarantine I started to think a way to play and spent times from remote with my firends. That's why I started to design and develop, in a very short time, a web application that was reproducing Taboo game. I decided to develop it with SpringBoot, using websockets, MySQL as database and a bit of HTLM, CSS (Bulma Framework) for the frontend.
I setup a 4 cameras surveillance system for a friend. It records 24h/24h and stores 2 months of recording. A Raspberry was used to duplicate screen where live view of cameras is available. To do that I wrote a simple HTML page using VLC plugin to run rstp streams. The Raspberry has autostart system and a basic auto healing system.
We created a restaurant software management according to the engineering approach. Working in team and analysis were fundamental parts of this project. We started from HLD and LLD and went through all processes that are involved in a software "production". After testing our work we also released this software online with a continuos integration process to a home server first and Google Cloud at the end.
Small e-commerce website deployed with Java EE using the MVC pattern linked to MySQL as database to store persistent data. Servlet, JavaBean, JSP, Session and cookies were used to manage the backend, alongside MySQL maangement. HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, Ajax, jQuery were used for the frontend.
I spend many hours exploring Github to find very interesting repositories and stuff to learn and try. I love open source philosophy, that's why I try to contribute with my personal code. Here is a list of my public repositories.